What’s On

IAV’s Silent Auction!

(designed by Rachel Lindsay): A graphic that has a light aqua border on top bottom and left. Large text “Silent Auction” with the IAV logo. Feb 5 – 26. Below the dates are logos for VINS, The Fairbanks Museum, and Echo Leahy Center followed by the text “ And many more from Vermont-based artists and businesses!”

Support inclusive art experiences for people with disabilities in Vermont while treating yourself and your loved ones (even your pets)! 
View the online auction here.
A text-only Google Doc of the auction is available here.
A text-only Word Doc of the auction is available here.

Explore our 2024 Annual Report

The front cover of IAV's annual report has a light periwinkle background. The Inclusive Arts Vermont logo is at the top. In the middle is a large circular image of Jodi Whalen’s art Queen Anne’s Lace.  A screenprint of white and orange Queen Anne’s Lace against purple mountains. At the bottom of the cover is black text, “Annual Report 2024.”
The front cover of IAV’s annual report has a light periwinkle background. The Inclusive Arts Vermont logo is at the top. In the middle is a large circular image of Jodi Whalen’s art Queen Anne’s Lace. A screenprint of white and orange Queen Anne’s Lace against purple mountains. At the bottom of the cover is black text, “Annual Report 2024.”

CYCLES: 2024-2025 Exhibition

A vertical rectangle with a purple background. In the bottom left in white text, “Inclusive Arts Vermont Presents: CYCLES. An exhibition of work by Vermont artists with disabilities. Traveling statewide 2024.” Emanating out from the text is a spiral of circles. The spiral comes across the bottom right of the picture, up the right side, around the top, and spirals inward into the center. Each circle is filled with an artwork from the exhibition. Artwork depictions include monarch butterflies, an abstract painting, tree roots, bison, a phoenix, colorful circles, a colorful black hole, figures diving into water, and screenprinted flowers. Image credits: Dominick Gabrielsen, Willow Bascom, Kit Arlo, Lissa Nilsson, Eva Seyller, Karen Lloyd, Sarah Metcalf, Aurora Berger, Leah Schulz, and Jodi Whalen.

CYCLES, our 5th biennial exhibition features the art of 25 Vermont artists with disabilities.
Engage with the CYCLES Audio Tour Here
Sign the CYCLES Digital Guest Book Here